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How Do I Develop My Will -Power: USE IT OR LOSE IT!

Daily Nuggets

How Do I Develop My Will -Power: USE IT OR LOSE IT!

Psychologists realize that willpower which utilized the prefrontal lobes of the brain behaves very much like a muscle.

This analogy of the willpower as a muscle leads to a corollary. In the morning, when you wake up your full willpower is intact. And that's the time to do difficult tasks such as meditation, working on your project, writing a book or studying for an upcoming exam.

Throughout the day willpower keeps expanding as you need to exert it again and again and by night time it becomes very low. Reason why people find they're vulnerable to vices at night.

When we understand the willpower as a muscle we now realize the ways to grow it just as you would grow your physical muscle by exerting it. In the science of physical training, they teach you to exert yourself beyond the pain level, until the muscle breaks. These are called micro- tears, but there's no cause for alarm.

Yes! Because if you take sufficient nutrition, within 48 hours, the muscle has joined back stronger than before. Hence by exerting the muscles, you grow them and if you stop exerting them, they're subject to atrophy.

Use it or lose it. It's a very simple principle. It's like if you've ever had a wrist fractured and has it cast in a plaque for few weeks. When the cast would be removed you would find the wrist frozen, due to lack of motion. Now physiotherapy is required for many months to bring the motion back.

Likewise the muscles of willpower need to be exerted. Everytime you know something is right but you don't do it. You know something is a low value activity and you fall for it, you're weakening your self-discipline.

And on the reverse, everytime you say no to low value activity and yes to high value activity you're strengthening your willpower muscle.

And one of the most powerful exercise for growing it is meditation!

Don't drop your bead bag until you have finished the required rounds that you have set for yourself!

Hare Krishna 🙏🏼

Stay Tuned!


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