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When In Lust For An Object Of Our Desire, we fear the inability to possess it

When in lust for an object of our desire, we fear the inability to possess it; or when it is in our possession, we fear its loss. We are infested with anger generated from our fear of losing what we have and the fear of those who would try to deprive us of it.

Greed occurs when we fear too much about the future. In fear of the future, we seek to accumulate material things beyond our present needs and resort to devious means. Infatuation often brings in emotional pain and anticipation of such pain become causes of fear.

Egoistic people often seek excessively, and frequently undeserved, appreciation, acceptance, and publicity; and therefore, fear their absence or loss. Envy and jealousy, too, makes way for fear. When someone has something we do not possess, we envy them and fear that we may never be able to possess on our own that which they possess; or that they may outdo us.

Once people achieve worldly power, they are addicted to it and are eventually overwhelmed by it. They seek enjoyment by abusing that power, even while fearing its loss. This causes their downfall. Many seers of Vedic origin have propounded that getting power is far easier than holding on to it.

Therefore, without inner power, outer power is just an illusion and brings as much danger as prestige.

Inner power may not require outer power, but outer power is dependent on the inner power of an individual to sustain oneself. True power comes from one’s good karma; which transforms one into a conduit for nature’s energies.

Abuse of power is bound to cause peril, not just to his position but to the person as well.



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